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Committee Letter

After receiving a positive response, the committee declared the homecoming a "go" and a this letter was sent out:

Sperling Community Club & Sperling Cemetery Board

P.O. Box 2005, Sperling MB R0G 2M0
March 9, 2005

Dear Sperling Friend:

Homecoming Weekend has been confirmed for July 22 to 24, 2005 !!

We hope that you received our October letter giving a "heads-up" about a 2005 Homecoming. The Organizing Committee has received an enthusiastic response, and we have concluded that the weekend is a "go". Don't miss this opportunity to come home to Sperling, meet your family, friends, and neighbors, and have some fun!

Just to re-state what we said in our initial letter: our Sperling Community Cemetery is 100 years old and needs help to boost its capital fund and cover higher expenses. So the homecoming event will be a fund-raiser to support our Cemetery. The Board thanks the many people who have already made generous donations, and would welcome donations from any others who feel so disposed.

The weekend will kick off Friday evening with early registration and an informal gathering at the arena. The bar will be open and snacks will be available. A campsite will be available for you RV / trailer folks; open Friday through Monday.

Registration will re-open Saturday morning and continue through the afternoon. The agenda will feature the annual family baseball tournament, all-day beer garden and socializing, as well as a "History Walk" and a "Cemetery Adventure". The evening will include a delicious hot dinner and a dance with a live Rock 'n' Roll band. We have invited the "Fabulous Fifties" Classic Car Club to attend, with their wonderfully restored Fords. And there will be fun programs for the children.

Sunday will start with an informal breakfast, a repeat of the History Walk and Cemetery Adventure, and lots of time to socialize. The bar and food concession will be open again.

A tentative schedule is attached. Check our website www.sperling.ca where a revised schedule will be posted once detailed planning is complete.

Registration cost is $40.00 per person for adults, and $15.00 for children age 17 and under. (There will be no charge for young children who will not be eating dinner. Hot dogs and burgers will be available for them.) Please use the attached form to register and mail in your cheque.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to good fellowship and good fun July 22nd to 24th.

The Ad-hoc Organizing Committee:

Harold Archibald
Jack Meldrum
Marlene Tjaden
Nicole Bilodeau
Wendal Fewster
Dale Hildebrand
Gail & Lee MacLean
Russ Nicolajsen
Glenn Peckover