Homecoming Review
July 22nd to 24th 2005, some 500 Sperling residents (present and past) and their families and friends attended a Homecoming Weekend.
The successes of the School Reunion in 1987 and the Centennial in 2001 created an initiative by some of the "Sperling Kids" to organize another get-together.
Coincidentally, the Sperling Cemetery Board was in need of some financial help – to continue the maintenance and care of the cemetery and to provide capital for repair and improvements. The cemetery was initiated in 1905, and it seemed appropriate to celebrate its centennial, raise some funds to support this cornerstone of the community, while having the fun of another reunion!!
An ad-hoc committee was formed in September 2004 to formulate preliminary plans, and a letter was sent in October to those on the mailing list of 2001, giving a heads-up and asking for an expression of interest in attending. After receiving a positive response, the committee declared the homecoming a "go" and a second letter went out.
The weekend was an unqualified success. You can read the program. The weather was fine, the mosquitoes were sprayed into submission, and a good time was held by all. Souvenir pins and key chains were sold, with proceeds going to the cemetery. There may still be some left - how to order.
Friday evening was a great chance for some relaxed socializing. Saturday's slo-pitch tournament had something like 12 family teams entered, and everyone had fun, with the Findlay team emerging the winner.
We enjoyed a nostalgic display of about 15 classic cars of the 1950's arrayed on Main Street, and many folks enjoyed a "Remember Sperling" walking tour.
The Prairie Pathfinders led a walk to the cemetery, combining some exercise with some remembering. At the cemetery, the hit of the weekend was the "Cemetery Adventure" history play, staged on both Saturday and Sunday. Well, perhaps Saturday night's dinner and dance were the real hits, as over 325 registered and enjoyed a great meal followed by dancing to the rock 'n' roll band "Black Slacks".
Sunday's breakfast was enjoyed by the many early risers. On both Saturday and Sunday, many people enjoyed a visit to the Golden Corner seniors center, to explore some history and some genealogy.
Through the generous donations of so many Sperling people, over $28,000 was received in direct contributions to the Cemetery, and the weekend's surplus of over $5,000 brought the total proceeds to the Cemetery Committee to more than $33,000.
A huge thank-you to all who contributed, and to all who attended!